Henry Irwin
BA (Hons) Acting – Graduated 2023
Playing age | 17 - 25 |
Height | 6' 1'' |
Eye colour | Blue |
Hair colour | Dark Blonde |
Spotlight | 5653-3495-5470 |
Watch or listen
Boardwalk Empire by Terence Winter, Timothy Van Patten, Paul Simms and Howard Korder
Contains reference to violence
PLANS (Part 2) by Jack Ward, featuring Kai Ross and Henry Irwin. Directed by Elianne Hawley and Graeme Hawley.
Commercial audio reel, directed by Rachel Austin
Productions whilst training
Role | Play | Director |
Judge Richard Enfield / | Jekyll and Hyde | Nickie Miles-Wildin |
Robert Wilson / | Oppenheimer | James Nickerson |
George | Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf | Yusra Warsama |
Claudio | Measure for Measure | Seán Aydon |
France | King Lear | Seán Aydon |
Tristan | The Effect | David Salter |
Vanya | Uncle Vanya | David Salter |
- Acting for Camera (Carla Henry)
- Acting for Radio (Stefan Escreet)
- Devised Project (Carla Henry)
- Ensemble (Emma Bonnici)
- Improvisation (Joe England)
- Improvisation (Mark Winstanley & Javier Marzan)
- Laboratory Theatre (Patrick Campbell)
- Shakespeare (Sean Aydon)
- Singing (Ian Chesworth)
- Stage Combat (Kaitlin Howard)
- The Effect (David Salter)
- The Seagull (David Salter)
- Uncle Vanya (David Salter)
- Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf (Yusra Warsama)
Yorkshire (Native), General American, Glasgow, Southern Standard, New York, California, Liverpool, Boston, Russian
Other skills
Ice Hockey, Ice Skating, Skiing, Surfing