Lula Marsh
BA (Hons) Acting – Graduated 2023
Playing age | 16 - 25 |
Height | 5' 6'' |
Eye colour | Green |
Hair colour | Dark Blonde |
Spotlight | 1977-8945-9544 |
Watch or listen
THE WAKE (Part 2) by Jack Fairhurst, featuring Azaelia Slade and Lula Marsh. Directed by Elianne Hawley and Graeme Hawley.
Commercial audio reel, directed by Rachel Austin
Productions whilst training
Role | Play | Director |
Clara | Husbands and Sons | Seán Aydon |
Mary Stuart | Mary Stuart | David Salter |
Cordelia | King Lear | Sean Aydon |
Queen Elizabeth | Richard III | Sean Aydon |
Kolya | Three Days in the Country | Madeleine Potter |
Natalya | Three Days in the Country | Madeleine Potter |
Virginia Woolf | Everyone Sang | Emma Bonnici |
Professional credits
Role | Production | Director | Organisation |
Young Scrooge | The Portobello Pantomime | Alice Felgate | The Tabernacle Theatre |
Actor/ | What Makes You A Woman? | Rachel Burton | Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2019 |
- Acting for Camera (Graeme Hawley & Elianne Hawley)
- Acting for Radio (Stefan Escreet)
- Audio Book Workshop (Orion Books)
- Devised Project (Emma Bonnici)
- Ensemble (Emma Bonnici)
- Improvisation (Joe England)
- Improvisation (Mark Winstanley & Javier Marzan)
- Laboratory Theatre (Patrick Campbell)
- Shakespeare (Sean Aydon)
- Singing (Ian Chesworth)
- Stage Combat (Kaitlin Howard)
- The Effect (David Salter)
- The Seagull (David Salter)
- Three Days in the Country (Madeleine Potter)
- Uncle Vanya (David Salter)
Other training
PappyShow Movement Workshop
Southern Standard (Native), Belfast / Northern Ireland / Derry, Edinburgh, West Yorkshire. Leeds, MLE, Cockney , South Wales , RP, Australia, American, California , Southern American , Russian
Other skills
Yoga, Classical Singing (Alto), Sight reading, Choral Singing, Ballet, Contemporary Dance, Period Dance, Physical Theatre, Stage Combat (APC Basic Unarmed & Knife), Story Telling, Voice Acting, Skilled Ear for Accents