Maddie Wakeling
BA (Hons) Acting – Graduated 2018
Playing age | 16 - 25 |
Height | 5' 8'' |
Eye colour | Blue/green |
Hair colour | Brown |
Spotlight | 0214-9084-6798 |
Productions whilst training
Role | Play | Director |
Sparrow | Barnbow Canaries | Joyce Branagh |
Emilia | The Man of Mode | Chris Honer |
Christine Schoenwalder | Picnic | Stefan Escreet |
Raissa Filipovna | The Suicide | David Shirley |
Clara Popkiss | Rookery Nook | Christopher Hunter |
John of Gaunt | Richard II | David Shirley |
Constance | King John | David Shirley |
Lady Macbeth | Macbeth | David Shirley |
Fay McMahon | Loot | Alan Dunnett |
Professional credits
Role | Production | Director | Organisation |
Nancy Shirley | Frozen | Oliver Wellington | Vulture Theatre |
- Acting for Camera (Graeme Hawley)
- Acting for Radio (Stefan Escreet)
- Acting Workshop (Alan Dunnett)
- Ensemble and Rhythm (Emma Bonnici)
- Singing (Ian Chesworth)
- Stage Combat (Renny Krupinski and Kaitlin Howard)
RP (Native), Heightened RP, Irish (Southern), Irish (Northern), Yorkshire, American (Standard), American (Mid West), West Country, London (Cockney), New Zealand
Other skills
Period Dance, Yoga, APC Rapier/Dagger (Basic), APC Unarmed (Basic), APC Short Sword (Basic)