Tobias Weatherburn
BA (Hons) Acting – Graduated 2015
Playing age | 16 - 25 |
Height | 5' 9'' |
Eye colour | Brown |
Hair colour | Light / Mid Brown |
Spotlight | 9419-7836-9167 |
Productions whilst training
Role | Play | Director |
Edwards / | Blue Stockings | Pat Trueman |
Menelaus | Women of Troy | Chris Honer |
Gerry | Dancing at Lughnasa | David Salter |
Reverend Hale | The Crucible | David O'Shea |
Lopharkin | The Cherry Orchard | Beth Vyse |
Man | Play | James Nickerson |
Macbeth | Macbeth | Chris Hayes |
Benedick | Much Ado About Nothing | Chris Hayes |
Iago | Othello | Chris Hayes |
Reverend Hale | The Crucible | David O'Shea |
- Acting for Camera (Peter Hunt & Suzy Catliff)
- Acting for Radio (Stefan Escreet)
- Acting Workshop (David Threlfall)
- Ensemble and Rhythm (Gabriel Gawin)
- Period Dance (Jackie Snow)
- Singing (Ian Chesworth)
- Stage Combat (Renny Krupinski & Kaitlin Howard)
- Writing & Devising (Charlie Moritz)
American-New York, American-Southern States, American-Standard, Australian, Bristol, Cockney, Essex, Irish-Southern, Liverpool, Manchester, Northern, RP, Russian, Scottish-Standard, South African, Welsh-Northern, Welsh-Southern, Yorkshire
Other skills
Guitar, Tenor, Horse Riding, Yoga, Impersonation, Basic Ballroom Dancing, Basic Stage Fighting (Rapier, Small Sword, Unarmed)