Zoe Conley
BA (Hons) Acting – Graduated 2012
Playing age | 16 - 30 |
Height | 5' 7'' |
Eye colour | Blue |
Hair colour | Dark Brunette |
Spotlight | 9018-1201-9988 |
Sir John Gielgud Bursary Recipient
RADA Shakespeare Certificate (2008) Level 1
Productions whilst training
Role | Play | Director |
Glad | Player's Angels | Joyce Branagh |
Helen, Blowpipe, Linda | Road | Mark Babych |
Desiree | Pains of Youth | David Salter |
Lona Hessel | Pillars of the Community | Benny Young |
Lady Macbeth | Macbeth | Gabriel Gawin |
Robespierre | Danton's Death | Andy Farrell |
Queen Margaret | Richard III | Fiona Buffini |
Professional credits
Role | Production | Director | Organisation |
Ensemble | Doctor Faustus | Toby Frow | Royal Exchange Theatre |
- Clowning (Mick Barnfather)
- Rudolf Laben (Shona Morris)
- Singing (Ian Chesworth)
- Animal Workshop (Lizzy Ballinger)
- T.V acting (Karen Henthorn)
- Card Board Citizens (Adrian Jackson)
- Stage Combat (Renny Krupinski)
- Radio (Melanie Harris)
Other training
BTEC National Diploma in Acting (DDD)
Foundation Degree in Acting
Yorkshire (Native), Hull, RP, Heightened RP, General American, Russian
Other skills
Singing (Mezzo-Soprano), Stage Combat (APC Level One - 1st), Violin (Grade 2)